And Alice was a good bait. Too bad the movie wasn't up to my expectations. What happened throughout the movie wasn't what I expected either!
I went to the movies with him, thinking it will just be a friendly movie get together (or so I thought). Got into his car and things just somehow kind of revert back to the old days when we first met. That kind of feeling and aura that surrounds the air between both of us is inexplicable.
We bought the tickets and the popcorns and went into the cinema. Never would I thought he'd have this idea in his head when he whispered "Kiss Me" in my ears. I must say I hesitated. Should I? Should I not? Should I? Should I not? *Inching closer* Should I?? Should I not?? Before I knew it, he leaned in closer and fast and well yeah. It felt like a surge of electric went through my body when our lips... Ahh... LOL
I'm sorry dear readers. Information overload.
Before we knew it we were holding hands in the dark cinema and cuddled like we never cuddle before. I really miss it now.
Felt like my body relaxed when I hugged him. I place the book he lent and the bottle of water he gave on the bedside table. I know it's just a bottle of water. But to me it's much more than that. =)
I could write more but my mind is all fogged up.
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